Kuala Lumpur Based Travel Agency for Sale
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- Kuala Lumpur Based Travel Agency for Sale
Kuala Lumpur Based Travel Agency for Sale
Listing Number:
- 060-13-01-002
Asking Price:
- MYR 550,000
Kuala Lumpur Bukit Bintang Jalan Sultan Ismail
Business Details
- Yes
Current Staff:
- 2 Full-Time Salaried
The following licenses are included:- Tour Operation
- Other
Average Monthly Electricity:
- MYR 1,800
Average Monthly Water:
- MYR 100
Property Details
- Business Sale and Rent (Leasehold Premises). 2 years from July 2018 + renewable at 1 year.
- MYR 3,800 per month. Payable monthly in advance
Security Deposit:
- MYR 7,600.
Connected Utilities:
- Power
- Water
- Internet
- Not Applicable
- Connected at the cost of MYR 150 per month. Wifi Enabled.
Price Negotiable:
- Yes, near offers will be considered
Agent's Comments
Established in 2005 and operated from a 150m2 shop at Jalan Sultan Ismail, this travel agency arranges inbound and outbound tours. Outbound tours take in nearby countries like Thailand, Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia. They specialize in company organized tours, incentive and team building tours and tailor-made holiday tours. A significant part of the company is their website which is informative and has the ability for travelers to book tours online. The company also has an active Face Book page that keeps the 13,000+ followers updated with the latest packages on offer. They are a member of the Malaysia Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA), Malaysian Chinese Tourism Association (MCTA) Inbound and Outbound and have a Ticketing license approved by the Ministry of Tourism. They also have 5 bus licenses and 5 rent and drive licenses. The Malaysian registered company is also available to transfer with the sale.
The sale offer has come about due to a partnership breakup. It is priced to return investment in around 5 years.