

Buying a Business in India

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Buying a business in India, especially for a foreigner, where there are political, language, cultural and systemic differences is always a challenge.  And people buy businesses or invest for different reasons with different expectations.  Suffice to say, invariably you will need the help of a professional.  Please DO NOT rely upon advice given on online forums and by your ‘mates’ in the bar.  What applies to one person doesn’t necessarily apply to another especially when there are differences in nationality and citizenship, marital status, financial position and VISA type, to name just a few.


Asian Business Brokers (India) is a network of Indian and foreign Brokers and Agents qualified and experienced in transacting the sale and/or lease of a property or business.  Please browse our site and when you have identified a business you are interested in, contact us so we can advise and guide you to a successful purchase.


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10am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 1pm Saturday (+05:30 UTC)